With the development of transportation infrastructure, increased cross-border interaction and changing social environment, there is a growing need for regional cooperation in the areas of health and welfare. Trilateral cooperation on health issues serves many purposes, including the dealing of health challenges that do not stop at national borders, exchanging knowledge and best practices, developing region-wide schemes for effectively preventing and combating diseases, and helping to improve the overall health situation in the Northeast Asian region. In response to the need for trilateral cooperation in the field of health and welfare, the three governments established the Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM) as well as various cooperative measures to tackle common health threats, highlighted by the Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) and Joint Action Plan (JAP) on Preparedness and response against Pandemic Influenza and Emerging/Re-emerging Infectious Disease of Common Concern.
The THMM was inaugurated in 2007 to discuss common issues in health and medical field among the three countries and ways to manage such challenges. The Meeting is regularly held among the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) of the People’s Republic of China, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) of Japan, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) of the Republic of Korea on a rotational basis. Under the framework of the THMM, the three countries have developed various initiatives such as the Trilateral Forum on Communicable Disease Control and Prevention and the Trilateral High-Level Meeting and Policy Seminar on Aging. Since its first participation to the THMM in 2013, the TCS has been exploring ways to assist the three relevant ministries for its contribution to the development of trilateral cooperation under the THMM.
- 第17回日中韓三国保健大臣会合共同声明
- 日本国厚生労働省、中華人民共和国国家衛生健康委員会と大韓民国保健福祉部との間の保健分野の協力に関する協力覚書(仮訳)
- 第 16 回 日中韓三国保健大臣会合共同声明
- 共同声明 第 15 回 日中韓三国保 健大臣会合(THMM) 2022 年 12 月 16 日(テレビ会議)
- 共通の課題であるパンデミック及び重大な影響が考えられる感染症対策における、 日本:厚生労働省、大韓民国:保健福祉部、中華人民共和国:国家衛生健康委員会、三カ国共同行動計画
- 第 14 回 日中韓三国保健大臣会合共同声明
- Joint Statement of the Thirteenth Tripartite Health Ministers' Meeting (Video Conference)
- 新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に関する日中韓三国特別保健大臣会合共同声明(2020 年 5 月 15 日)(仮訳)