Intellectual Property Rights

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Ministerial Meetings

TRIPO Heads Meeting Latest Event : 2023.11.30
23rd TRIPO Heads Meeting
  • 2023.11.30
  • Busan, Korea
■ Participants
​- Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- ​​China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)

■ Agenda
​​1. Latest developments in each office
2. Review cooperation activities among the TRIPO Offices
(1) Cooperation on Trademark Issues
(2) Cooperation on Trial and Appeal Issues
(3) Cooperation on Design Issues
(4) Cooperation on Human Resources Development Issues
(5) Cooperation on IP Societies in three countries
(6) Trilateral IP User Symposium

※ Special agenda : AI-generated inventions (Inventions generated by AI) & patent examination on AI-related inventions

■ Outcomes
- 11th TRIPO User Symposium
- 5th TRIPO Trademark Experts Meeting and TM Symposium
- 10th Joint Experts Group for Trial and Appeal (JEGTA)
- 2023 TRIPO Design Forum
- 14th Cooperation Meeting of the IIPTI, CIPTC and INPIT
- 2023 Korea-China-Japan IP International Symposium on Academics

■ Outcome Documents
Record of Discussion (ROD) of the 23rd TRIPO Heads Meeting
22nd TRIPO Heads Meeting

Download. EN

  • 2022.11.29
  • Online, Japan
■ Participants
​- Japan Patent Office (JPO) - Host
- Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- ​​China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)

■ Agenda
​​1. Latest developments in each office
2. Review of cooperation activities among the TRIPO Offices
(1) Cooperation in the fields of Design
(2) Cooperation in the fields of Trademark
(3) Cooperation in the field of Trial and Appeal
(4) Cooperation in the field of Human Resources Development
(5) Cooperation in the field of IP Societies in three countries
(6) Trilateral IP User Symposium and next TRIPO Heads Meeting and the User Symposium

■ Outcomes
Record of Discussion signed by TRIPO Heads

■ Outcome Documents
Record of Discussion (ROD) of the 22nd TRIPO Heads Meeting
21st TRIPO Heads Meeting
  • 2021.11.30
  • Online, China
■ Participants
- ​​China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) - Host
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
- Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)

■ Agenda
1. ​​Update on IP development from CJK
2. Discussion on trilateral cooperation in the areas of:
1) Trademark and design
2) Trial and appeal
3) Human Resources development
4) IP societies
5) User symposium

■ Documents
​​Record of Discussion of 21st TRIPO Heads Meeting
20th TRIPO Heads Meeting
  • 2020.12.01
  • Online, Korea
■ Participants
- Commissioner KIM Yongrae, Korean Intellectual Property Officer (KIPO)
- Commissioner SHEN Changyu, China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
- Commissioner KASUTANI Toshihide, Japan Patent Office (JPO)

■ Agenda
1. Cooperation on Human Resource Development (JPO lead) - Heads Meeting of INPIT, CIPTC and IIPTI
2. Cooperation on Trademark (JPO lead) - Trademark Experts Meeting - TM Symposium (postponed to next year)
3. Cooperation on Trial and Appeal (JPO lead) - Experts Group for Trial and Appeal
4. Cooperation on Design (KIPO lead) - Design Forum (postponed to next year)
5. Future Cooperation (KIPO lead) - 10-Year Vision for Trilateral IP Cooperation - Current Cooperation with ASEAN

■ Documents
Record of Discussion of the 20th TRIPO Heads Meeting among CNIPA, JPO and KIPO
19th TRIPO Heads Meeting
  • 2019.12.04
  • Kobe, Japan
■ Participants
- Japan: Japan Patent Office (JPO),
- ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- China: China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
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Director-Generals' Meetings

Heads Meeting of IP Training Centers Latest Event : 2022.11.16
13th Heads Meeting of IP Training Centers
  • 2022.11.16
  • Online, Korea
■ Participants
• ROK: ​​International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI)
• ​China: China Intellectual Property Training Center (CIPTC)
• Japan: National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT)
12th Heads Meeting of IP Training Centers
  • 2021.09.08
  • Online, China
■ Participants
• ​China: China Intellectual Property Training Center (CIPTC)
• Japan: National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT)
• ROK: ​​International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI)
11th Heads Meeting of IP Training Centers
  • 2020.09.01
  • Online, Korea
■Participants :
​International Intellectual Property Training Institute (IIPTI), the China Intellectual Property Training Center (CIPTC) and the National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT)
10th Heads Meeting of IP Training Centers
  • 2019.10.30
9th Heads Meeting of IP Training Centers
  • 2018.12.12
  • Wuhan, China
China: China Intellectual Property Training Center
Japan: National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training
ROK: Intellectual Property Training Institute
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Working-Level Meetings

Joint Experts Group of Automation (JEGA) Latest Event : 2016.10.19
14th Joint Experts Group of Automation (JEGA)
  • 2016.10.19
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

IP Office Exchange and Development Plans

1) Exchange information on the current situation and development of the automation work in each IP office
2) Discuss cooperative plans in the field of automation among the three offices based on meeting documents
3) Submit the cooperative plans discussed and agreed at JEGA meetings to the TRIPO Heads Meeting
4) Carry out any plans approved by the TRIPO Heads Meeting
13th Joint Experts Group of Automation (JEGA)
  • 2015.08.12
  • Beijing, China
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

IP Office Exchange and Development Plans

1) Exchange information on the current situation and development of the automation work in each IP office
2) Discuss cooperative plans in the field of automation among the three offices based on meeting documents
3) Submit the cooperative plans discussed and agreed at JEGA meetings to the TRIPO Heads Meeting
4) Carry out any plans approved by the TRIPO Heads Meeting
12th Joint Experts Group of Automation (JEGA)
  • 2014.09.24
  • Daejeon, Korea
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

IP Office Exchange and Development Plans

1) Exchange information on the current situation and development of the automation work in each IP office
2) Discuss cooperative plans in the field of automation among the three offices based on meeting documents
3) Submit the cooperative plans discussed and agreed at JEGA meetings to the TRIPO Heads Meeting
4) Carry out any plans approved by the TRIPO Heads Meeting
11th Joint Experts Group of Automation (JEGA)
  • 2013.07.31
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

IP Office Exchange and Development Plans

1) Exchange information on the current situation and development of the automation work in each IP office
2) Discuss cooperative plans in the field of automation among the three offices based on meeting documents
3) Submit the cooperative plans discussed and agreed at JEGA meetings to the TRIPO Heads Meeting
4) Carry out any plans approved by the TRIPO Heads Meeting
10th Joint Experts Group of Automation (JEGA)
  • 2012.10.17
  • Beijing, China
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

IP Office Exchange and Development Plans

1) Exchange information on the current situation and development of the automation work in each IP office
2) Discuss cooperative plans in the field of automation among the three offices based on meeting documents
3) Submit the cooperative plans discussed and agreed at JEGA meetings to the TRIPO Heads Meeting
4) Carry out any plans approved by the TRIPO Heads Meeting
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Working Groups’ Meeting on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Latest Event : 2018.06.27
7th Working Groups’ Meeting on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • 2018.06.27
  • Ningbo,China
• China: Ministry of the General Administration of Customs
• Japan: Ministry of Finance
• ROK: Korea Customs Service
6th Working Groups’ Meeting on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • 2016.01.01
5th Working Groups’ Meeting on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • 2011.01.01
  • Korea
China: Ministry of the General Administration of Customs
Japan: Ministry of Finance
ROK: Korea Customs Service

1. Conducted a joint operation based on the Fake Zero Projects among Shanghai Customs, Tokyo Customs and Incheon Customs.
2. Intensified their surveillance and inspection on IPR infringement.
4th Working Groups’ Meeting on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • 2010.01.01
  • Japan
China: Ministry of the General Administration of Customs
Japan: Ministry of Finance
ROK: Korea Customs Service

1. Revised and adopted the Action Plan of the Tripartite Customs Cooperation.
2. Joint operations will be conducted twice a year before the 6th IPR working group in 2012, according to the revised Action Plan.
3rd Working Groups’ Meeting on the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
  • 2009.01.01
  • China
China: Ministry of the General Administration of Customs
Japan: Ministry of Finance
ROK: Korea Customs Service
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Joint Experts Group of Patent Examination (JEGPE) Latest Event : 2016.11.07
8th Joint Experts Group of Patent Examination (JEGPE)
  • 2016.11.07
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

Comparative research with case studies on Patent Examination standards and law
7th Joint Experts Group of Patent Examination (JEGPE)
  • 2015.08.27
  • Beijing, China
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

Comparative research with case studies on Patent Examination standards and law
6th Joint Experts Group of Patent Examination (JEGPE)
  • 2014.09.18
  • Daejeon, Korea
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

Comparative research with case studies on Patent Examination standards and law
5th Joint Experts Group of Patent Examination (JEGPE)
  • 2013.09.05
  • Tokyo, Japan
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

Comparative research with case studies on Patent Examination standards and law
4th Joint Experts Group of Patent Examination (JEGPE)
  • 2012.09.01
  • Beijing, China
China: State Intellectual Property Office
Japan: Japan Patent Office
ROK: Korean Intellectual Property Office

Comparative research with case studies on Patent Examination standards and law
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Joint Experts Group for Trial and Appeal (JEGTA) & Administrative Judge Exchange Program Latest Event : 2021.11.08
8th Joint Expert Group for Trial and Appeal (JEGTA)
  • 2021.11.08
  • Online
■ Participants
- ​​China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)-Host
- Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
7th Joint Expert Group for Trial and Appeal (JEGTA)
  • 2020.11.01
  • Online, ROK
■ Participants
-​ Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
6th Joint Experts Group for Trial and Appeal (JEGTA)
  • 2018.9.20
  • Beijing, China
5th Joint Experts Group for Trial and Appeal (JEGTA)
  • 2017.9.27
  • Daejeon, Korea
2nd JEGTA & Administrative Judge Exchange Program
  • 2017.09.26
  • Daejeon, Korea
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TRIPO User Symposium Latest Event : 2022.11.29
10th TRIPO User Symposium
  • 2022.11.29
  • Online, Japan (Chair)
■ Participants
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
- Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)

■ Agenda
​​Session 1: TRIPO Initiatives for Diffusion and Promotion of Carbon Neutral Technologies
Session 2: Development and Diffusion of Carbon Neutral Technologies Utilizing IP
9th TRIPO User Symposium
  • 2021.11.30
  • Online
■ Participants
• ​China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
• Japan Patent Office (JPO)
• Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
8th TRIPO User Symposium
  • 2020.12.01
  • Online
​​Commissioners and staffs of KIPO, CNIPA and JPO.

Audiences participated through online.
7th TRIPO User Symposium
  • 2019.12.04
  • Kobe, Japan
■ Agenda
•​​Latest trends in administrative and judicial protection system of IP
6th TRIPO User Symposium
  • 2018.12.13
  • Wuhan, China
■ Participants
• China: National Intellectual Property Administration, PRC
• Japan: Japan Patent Office
• ROK: Korea Intellectual Property Office
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Trademark Experts Meeting Latest Event : 2021.11.30
3rd Trademark Experts Meeting
  • 2021.11.30
  • Email Exchange, ROK
■ Participants
-​ Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
​- China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
2nd TRIPO Trademark Experts Meeting
  • 2020.11.01
  • Seoul, Korea (Online)
1st TRIPO Trademark Experts Meetings and 1st TRIPO Trademark User Symposium
  • 2019.03.28 ~ 2019.03.29
  • Beijing, China
■ Participants

■ Agenda
- ​Latest trends in the field of trademarks

TC Activities

China-Japan-Korea Design Forum Latest Event : 2022.10.01
12th Trilateral Design Forum
  • 2022.10.01
  • China
■ Participants
- ​China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
- ​Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
11th Trilateral Design Forum
  • 2022.08.01
  • Japan
■ Participants
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
- ​China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
- ​Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)

■ Agenda
- Design Protection in the Global Economy and Web 3.0
2021 TRIPO Trademark and Design Forum
  • 2021.06.30
  • Online, ROK
■ Participants
- ​Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO)
- ​China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
- Japan Patent Office (JPO)
10th China-Japan-Korea Design Forum
  • 2019.05.26
  • Wuxi, China
​​​- Prepresentative from IP offices of China, Japan, and ROK and experts
9th Japan-China-Korea Design Forum
  • 2018.05.24
  • Tokyo, Japan
​​IP offices of China, Japan, and the ROK and executive managers working at global companies of the three countries

​​Future of Design Management and Design Protection System
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