随着交通基础设施的发展、跨界互动的增加和社会环境的不断变化,人们对健康和福利领域的区域合作需求日益增加。关于健康问题的三方合作有许多目的,包括处理跨国的健康挑战,交流知识和方法,制定有效预防和防治疾病的区域性计划,以及帮助东北亚地区改善整体健康状况等。为响应健康和福利领域的三方合作需要,三国政府成立了中日韩卫生部长会议机制的同时展开了在各个领域的合作,应付常见的健康威胁,预防和应对人们所共同关注的流感和新发/再现的传染病。 中日韩卫生部长会议机制于2007年成立,旨在讨论三国卫生和医疗领域的共同问题以及如何应对这些挑战。会议定期在中国国家卫生和计划生育委员会(NHFPC),日本卫生部和劳动和社会保障部(MHLW)和韩国卫生福利部(MOHW) 轮流举办。在中日韩卫生部长会议框架下,三国已经形成了合作框架,如传染病预防控制三方论坛和老龄问题高层会议和政策研讨会等。自2013年首次参加该会议以来,秘书处一直在探索如何协助三个相关部门为发展中日韩卫生部长会议下的三方合作做出贡献。
- Joint Statement of the 17th Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM)
- Memorandum of Cooperation Among The National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China, The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan And The Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea on Health Cooperation
- Joint Statement of the 16th Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM)
- Joint Statement of the 15th Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM)
- Joint Action Plan among the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, the Ministry of Health and Welfare of the Republic of Korea and the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China on Preparedness and Response against Infectious D
- Joint Statement of the 14th Tripartite Health Ministers Meeting (THMM)
- Joint Statement of the Thirteenth Tripartite Health Ministers' Meeting (Video Conference)
- Joint Statement of the Special Video Conference of Tripartite Health Ministers' Meeting (THMM) on COVID-19 Response