On August 31, 2023, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) delegation headed by Director KIM Hyoseon participated in the Pre-TEMM24 working-level meeting in Tokyo, Japan. Director level officials from Ministry of the Environment of Japan, Ministry of Environment of the ROK, and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China. The meeting was held to review the Joint Communique and prepare logistical arrangements of the upcoming 24th Tripartite Environment Ministers’ Meeting (TEMM24), which will be held on November 4th, 2023.
Director KIM delivered opening and closing remarks, as well as a brief presentation on the outcomes of the 3rd Trilateral Environmental Teachers Exchange Program (TTEP), which is a TCS project initiated from TEMM. In her remarks, Director KIM expressed her appreciation to all three ministries for their great support in TCS initiatives and also for including TCS projects in last year’s TEMM23 Joint Communique. In the presentation, she introduced the program activities and future plans of TTEP. Officials from the three countries appreciated TCS for the support on tripartite cooperation, and expressed interest in exploring more projects in the future.
The three ministries’ officials discussed the contents of the Joint Communique and the progress of the Joint Action Plan on Environmental Cooperation 2021-2025. In addition, the delegates discussed the contents and arrangements of the upcoming Director-General meeting as well as the ministerial level meeting.
As a follow-up, the TEMM24 Director-General Meeting will be held on September 26th at Nagoya, Japan.

- Joint Communiqué of the 25th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communiqué of the 24th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Japan, Korea and China
- Joint Communiqué of the 23rd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communique for the 22nd Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)
- Joint Communique for the 21st Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)
- Joint Communiqué of the 20th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)
- Joint Communiqué of the 19th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan
- Joint Communique of the 18th Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting Among Korea, China and Japan (TEMM)