Mechanisms 12th CJK Personnel Policy Network Joint Training Program for Young/Middle-level Public Employees
12th CJK Personnel Policy Network Joint Training Program for Young/Middle-level Public Employees was held in Daejeon and Seoul, ROK from December 3 to 5, 2019. The China-Japan-Korea Joint Training Program is an annual program since 2007, intended as a platform for the young and middle level staff from the CJK Personnel Policy Network to convene and discuss about each administration’s concerns or challenges. It is hosted on a rotational basis by the National Civil Service Administration (NPSA) of China, National Personnel Authority (NPA) of Japan and the Ministry of Personnel Management (MPM) of the ROK.
On December 5, the delegations arrived to Seoul, ROK and were welcomed by TCS Deputy Secretary-General KANG Doho, and listened to a brief introduction of the trilateral cooperation and the TCS.
The 13th Joint Training Program is proposed to be held in Japan in 2020.

▲Group photo

▲Remarks by DSG KANG Doho

▲Introduction of the Trilateral Cooperation and the TCS