Seminar & Forum Clean Air Technology Workshop in Qingdao, China 2018.11.04 ~ 2018.11.05


Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) participated in the Clean Air Technology Workshop in Qingdao, China on November 4-5, 2018. The Workshop was organized by the Asia Center for Air Pollution Research (ACAP), the China Society for Environmental Science (CSES), the Shandong University, and the Qingdao Association for Science and Technology. 


TCS Director of Economic Affairs, QIAO Wen, delivered a presentation at the Session ‘International Technology Cooperation’. Director QIAO introduced trilateral cooperation and the establishment of the TCS, briefly summarized the history of trilateral cooperation in environmental protection and its cooperative activities on air quality, dust and sandstorms, and transition to green economy, and TCS’s activities in sustainable development. Director QIAO also introduced TCS’s trilateral database visualization system* on its website and suggested to promote existing city-to-city cooperation best practices in East and Southeast Asia as well as relevant database through TCS’s visualization system.




The Workshop invited country representatives, international organizations, and enterprises and institutions from Asian countries, and discussed current situation, challenges and technological demands to maintain clean air; clean air technology trends; and international technology cooperation. Participants agreed to enhance international cooperation to reduce air pollution in Asian region and to strengthen networks to co-develop clean air technologies. 

From the three countries, the CSES, the Shandong University and Qingdao Association for Science and Technology from China, the ACAP from Japan, and the national Institute of Environmental Research affiliated by the Ministry of Environment from the ROK joined the Workshop. In addition, government officials, research institutes and experts from Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Russia, Thailand and Viet Nam participated in the Workshop to discuss together about clean air technology in Asia. 

Trilateral Database Visualization System*: