Others TCS Signed MOU with Shandong University 2023.06.09

On June 9, the TCS delegation headed by Secretary-General Amb. OU Boqian signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the TCS Internship Program with Shandong University (SDU).


During the meeting, HAN Shenghao, Vice President of SDU, expressed his warm welcome to the TCS delegation and introduced the deep ties that SDU has established with the universities in Japan and ROK over the years. In particular, SDU has participated in Campus Asia Program since 2016 cultivating lots of talented graduate students who devoted themselves to science and technology area. He further expressed his hope to engage in broader exchanges and cooperation with universities in Japan and ROK with the support from TCS.


SG OU affirmed the achievements of SDU in its commitment to promoting youth exchanges among China, Japan and ROK. She showed her appreciation to SDU for its strong support to the TCS project, especially the TCS Internship Program and the Young Scholars Forum (YSF) which is jointly organized with SDU as a back to back event to International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation (IFTC) in July. She also mentioned that young people are the future of cooperation between the three countries, that a more comprehensive and broader vision should be built up for young scholars at an early stage. She encouraged SDU to participate in more TCS projects in the future.


Prior to the meeting, SG OU delivered a lecture to 100 students and faculties of SDU. During the lecture, she pointed out that the Trilateral Cooperation is facing various challenges brought by geopolitical interference and other factors. However, the more difficulties we have, the more efforts we need to make.


▲MOU signing ceremony


▲During lecture