Mechanisms 25th ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
On November 12, 2022, the 25th ASEAN Plus Three (APT) Summit was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister HUN Sen of Cambodia. The Heads of State/Government of ASEAN member states, the Republic of Korea, Japan and the People’s Republic of China attended the Summit. Secretary-General OU Boqian of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat, as well as ASEAN Secretary-General Dato’ LIM Jok Hoi and ASEAN+3 Macroeconomic Research Office (AMRO) Director LI Kouqing were also in attendance.
The Leaders reviewed the progress of APT cooperation and discussed the future direction of the cooperative mechanism. Recognizing the 25th anniversary of APT cooperation this year and its significance to ASEAN’s efforts for a strong, safe and stable regional community, different areas in which the APT Cooperation could further enhance were suggested. Key areas repeatedly mentioned were economic cooperation through expansion of RCEP and operationalization of the APT Economic Cooperation Work Programme (ECWP) 2023-2024, supply chain and financial stability, food and energy security through innovation and smart agriculture, digitalization and digital economy, and sustainable and resilient development.
On regional and international issues, the Leaders stressed the importance of continued dialogue amongst all the parties concerned in order to realize and maintain peace and stability in the region. They also called for boosting cultural and human resource exchange as a solid base for APT cooperation.
Before the Summit, SG OU had a talk with Foreign Minister PARK Jin of the Republic of Korea. SG OU expressed appreciation for the Korean government’s support for the Summit. H.E. PARK extended appreciation to SG OU for the efforts of the TCS on promotion of the trilateral cooperation.

▲ APT Summit Venue

▲ TCS Delegation to the 25th APT Summit

▲ SG OU with H.E. PARK Jin, Foreign Minister of ROK
- Joint Statement on a 10 Year Vision for Trilateral IP Cooperation
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- Joint Statement of the Special ASEAN Plus Three Summit on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
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- List of outcome documents of trilateral ministerial meetings since last summit meeting
- Harvest Projects of Trilateral +X Cooperation
- Trilateral Cooperation Vision for the Next Decade