Seminar & Forum 6th NTCT National Focal Points Meeting and 2021 NTCT Conference
On December 29, 2021, the 6th Network of Trilateral Cooperation Think-Tanks (NTCT) National Focal Points Meeting and 2021 NTCT Conference were convened virtually by the China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU), the host of the year, with the presence of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS), Korea National Diplomatic Academy (KNDA), and Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR). TCS Secretary-General Amb. OU Boqian was invited to deliver a keynote speech at the Conference. She also participated in the discussions at the National Focal Points Meeting.
In her speech at the Conference, SG OU analyzed the overall situations in Northeast Asia region, the history and achievements of the Trilateral Cooperation, and the main focus of TCS’ future direction. She pointed out that Northeast Asia is featured with significant global relevance and influences owing to its political strength, economic weight, technological competitiveness and social vibrancy. Against a backdrop that Northeast Asia is facing various traditional and non- traditional security challenges without a comprehensive mechanism for regional integration, SG OU emphasized the role of the Trilateral Cooperation. For its highest level of institutionalization, broadest coverage of working areas, richest cooperation accomplishments, and strongest endogenous dynamics, the Trilateral Cooperation stands out in the region as a platform for common development, a pillar for regional economic integration and a cornerstone for regional peace and stability. Drawing experiences from the past-decades of crisis-driven Trilateral Cooperation, she noted that the more difficulties the region has, the more cooperation it needs. She called upon present experts and scholars to join the TCS to revitalize the East Asian values shared by the three countries and make continuous contributions to the future- oriented trilateral relations.
Also participating in the Conference were scholars from CFAU, University of International Business and Economics (China), JFIR, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (Japan), Teikyo University (Japan), Kyorin University (Japan), and KNDA, who reviewed and exchanged ideas on Trilateral Economic Cooperation in the post COVID-19 Era and Trilateral Security Cooperation in the long run.
At the National Focal Points Meeting, SG OU congratulated each institute on the breakthrough in setting up the Working Groups and the progress of the joint studies, reiterating the TCS’ support to the NTCT. She committed that the TCS would center the work in the two years to come on “Lasting Peace, Common Prosperity and Shared Culture”. Responding to the NTCT National Focal Points’ expectations for TCS’ greater involvement, she said that the TCS would leverage its unique role for policy advisory and promotion of people-to-people exchange. She welcomed the NTCT stakeholders and think-tank community in the three countries at large to join the TCS in this regard, so as to embed the concept of Trilateral Cooperation into the three peoples’ minds.
The representatives also reviewed the progress of the Working Groups initiated at the 5th Meeting. They agreed to accelerate the joint studies led by each Working Group, so as to fulfill the mandate granted by the Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and provide policy recommendations to the three governments for promoting the Trilateral Cooperation in new era. Being aware of the unique role of the NTCT among other trilateral research platforms, they discussed and agreed on the NTCT working plan in 2022.

▲SG OU delivering keynote speech

▲Group photo of the participants