TC Activities TCS Co-organized 16th China-Japan-ROK Children’s Story Exchange Program
2019-08-17 ~ 2019-08-23
The 16th China-Japan-ROK Children’s Story Exchange (CSE) Program was held in Beijing, China from August 17 to 23. The program was co-organized by China National Commission for Wellbeing of Children (CNCCC), Seoul National University of Education (SNUE), National institute for Youth Education (NIYE) and TCS. CSE 2019 convened 100 child participants in grades 4 to 6 from China, Japan and ROK, and TCS facilitated the implementation of alumni program.
During the opening ceremony, Deputy Secretary-General YAMAMOTO Yaushi delivered congratulatory remarks along with Ms. GU Xiulian, Director of CNCCC, Mr. KIM Kyung-Sung, President of Seoul National University of Education, and Mr. KAWAMURATakeo, member of the Liberal Democratic Party. Representatives from co-host organizations NIYE, CNCCC and SNUE as well as from the local embassies attended the ceremony.
This year, TCS continued to co-organize the alumni program to help develop a sustainable community of CSE participants. The alumni participants attended cultural immersion activities including a visit to the Great Wall, Chengdu Mountain Resort, Potala Palace, and Nanlouguxiang. Alumni conducted a remembrance storybook making activity, which was then presented to the child participants to help encourage their return to CSE program as alumni in the future.
The 17th Children’s Story Exchange Program will take place in ROK in 2019.

▲CSE 2019 group photo

▲DSG Yamamoto delivering congratulatory remarks