Seminar & Forum TCS Organized 3rd Expert Consultation Meeting on CJK Joint Research on Mutual Recognition of Degrees 2018.08.01

The 3rd Expert Consultation Meeting on CJK Joint Research on Mutual Recognition of Degrees was held in Tokyo, Japan on August 1st, 2018. The meeting was organized by TCS and National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE).

Experts from CAMPUS Asia universities in Japan with operational double degree programs attended the meeting as discussants. TCS Deputy Secretary-General Han Mei presided the meeting and Dr. Takenaka Toru from NIAD-QE mediated the meeting as the moderator. Representatives from MEXT Office for International Planning at Higher Education Bureau headed by Deputy Director Tetsuhito Minami attended the meeting as official observers.

During the meeting, participants shared information about challenges that were encountered during the initial stages of CJK double degree programs at their institutions. The experts also discussed issues pertaining to the management of existing CAMPUS Asia student alumni community, faculty incentives for double degree programs, and different ways to ensure the quality of thesis produced by students participating in double degree programs among CJK.

CJK Joint Research on Mutual Recognition of Degrees is an initiative proposed at the 2nd Trilateral Education Ministers’ Meeting held in March 21, 2018. The research project aims to help provide guidance for the expansion of international degree programs among China, Japan, and ROK.