Others Issuing of Trilateral Economic Report (2013) 2014.09.01

The TCS conducts the trilateral economic research to follow up on yearly basis the economic development and integration among the three countries. The 2013 research was outsourced to Professor ABE Kazutomo of Tokyo Denki University, who used to be the leading Japanese scholar for the academic joint study on CJK FTA from 2003 to 2009.

The outcome report consists of the following contents:

PART I: Economic Perspectives of CJK and Their Economic Re3lations       

  • Chapter 1. Macroeconomic Performance       
  • Chapter 2. Trade in Goods and Services       
  • Chapter 3. Foreign Direct Investment       
  • Chapter 4. Financial Development       
  • Chapter 5. Movement of People


PART II: Case Study on the Production Network of Electronics Industry in CJK


This report has been sent to the three governments for reference. The TCS has collaborated with UNESCAP East and North East Asia (ENEA) Office on Monitoring Regional Cooperation and Integration in East and Northeast Asia. The TCS’s report is also going to be incorporated into the UNESCAP-ENEA’s final report.