TC Activities The Culture City of East Asia (CCEA) 2024 Gimhae Closing Ceremony
Gimhae City successfully hosted the closing ceremony of the "2024 Culture City of East Asia- Gimhae” on October 19 at Maru Hall, Gimhae Cultural Center.
The event was attended by Gimhae Mayor Hong Tae-Yong, Chairman Ahn Sun-Hwan of Gimhae City Council, Director Kim Jae-Hyun of the International Culture Policy Bureau from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, National Assembly members Min Hong-Chul, Deputy Consul-General Shinichi Kurita from the Japanese Consulate-General in Busan, Deputy Consul-General Wu Li from the Chinese Consulate-General in Busan, and the delegation from Anseong City—the 2025 East Asia City of Culture. The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) was also invited to join the ceremony.
In his closing speech, Mayor Hong emphasized that understanding one another through cultural exchange cannot be achieved in a short period of time and that the most important factor is the commitment and sincerity to continue such efforts. He stressed that this closing ceremony marks not the end but a new beginning.
During the following cultural performances, China was represented by an opera troupe from Wuxi, while Japan showcased a Hanabi (dance) performance. Each performance highlighted the unique cultural heritage of the respective countries.
Gimhae City presented the traditional "Heo Hwang-ok Dance," performed by the Kang Hyun-ok Traditional Dance Institute, highlighting the city's rich historical and cultural heritage. This was followed by a dynamic performance from the youth participants of the East Asia Youth Culture Festival, symbolizing a harmonious blend of tradition and future generations.
Since 2014, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea (ROK) have annually designated one city as a "Culture City of East Asia" (CCEA), fostering trilateral cultural exchanges in line with the agreement reached at the 4th Trilateral Culture Ministers' Meeting (TCMM) in 2012. In 2024, Gimhae (ROK), Dalian, Weifang City (China), and Ishikawa Prefecture (Japan) were selected as CCEAs.
Looking ahead to 2025, four cities—Anseong (ROK), Macao Special Administrative Region (China), Huzhou City (China), and Kamakura City (Japan)—have been designated as the next CCEAs and are preparing various cultural and artistic exchange events.

▲Group Photo(Photo: Gimhae City)

▲CCEA 2024 Gimhae Closing Ceremony(Photo: Gimhae City)
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