Others Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup Delivered a Lecture on Trilateral Cooperation at the New Era China Academy for Global Leaders
On July 10, TCS Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup delivered a lecture on trilateral cooperation at the ‘New Era China Academy for Global Leaders’. In his lecture, SG LEE introduced the role of TCS, and the key outcomes and significance of the 9th Trilateral Summit. He emphasized, “In a time of great transition, as the three countries cross a river in the same boat to overcome common crises and challenges they face, it is crucial to understand that an ‘every man for himself’ approach leads to mutual destruction. Based on mutual respect and acknowledgment of differences, the three countries must consistently expand their common ground with an attitude of harmony in diversity, seeking cooperation and co-prosperity.”
The New Era China Academy for Global Leaders Course is jointly established by the Embassy of China in the ROK and Korea China Association for Cultural Exchange. It aims to enhance cultural and friendly ties between the ROK and China, gathering opinion leaders such as high-level officials, entrepreneurs, journalists, politicians, diplomats, and public officials from both countries. The course was launched in 2020 and it is now in its sixth term.

▲Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup delivered a lecture on trilateral cooperation at New Era China Academy for Global Leaders

▲Group photo