TC Activities Inter-Regional Dialogue 2024: CJK Education and Training Institutes Workshop “Tools and Technologies for Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment and Early Warning: Sharing Experience among Countries in the Asia Pacific Region” 2024.05.27 ~ 2024.05.29
On May 27-29, 2024, the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) and UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) Office for the Northeast Asia& Global Education and Training Institute (ONEA & GETI) together organized an event, Inter-Regional Dialogue 2024: CJK Education and Training Institutes Workshop: Sharing Experience among Countries in the Asia Pacific Region” in cooperation of Incheon Metropolitan City, Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), and National Disaster Reduction Centre of China (NDRCC). 

TCS Deputy Secretary-General YAN Liang delivered video opening remarks at the opening session. In his remarks, he emphasized the importance of further promoting cross-regional exchange and cooperation in the field of disaster risk reduction. In that context, DSG YAN expressed his appreciation for around 40 participants from 21 countries and 1 intergovernmental institution, not just from CJK, but also from ASEAN, Northeast Asia, South Asia, South Asia and Central Asia joining the event. 

The three-day event consists of workshops, training sessions, and site visit under the theme of “tools and technologies for multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning”. It provided a platform for governments and experts in disaster management to share challenges, best practices and exchange ideas on tools and technologies for multi-hazard risk assessment and early warning. The event allowed to continue strengthening cooperation on capacity building for disaster risk reduction among the three countries and beyond to advance “Trilateral+X” cooperation. 

▲TCS Deputy Secretary-General YAN Liang delivered video opening remarks 

▲Group Photo at the Day 1 Reception 

▲Inter-Regional Dialogue in Progress