Seminar & Forum Deputy Secretary-General YAN Liang Attended the 2024 International Forum on Regional Cooperation and Development of China, Japan and Korea & The 21th Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference 2024.05.31
On May 31, 2024, the 2024 International Forum on Regional Cooperation and Development of China, Japan and Korea & The 21th Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference were held in Beijing, hosted by Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU). TCS Deputy Secretary-General Yan Liang attended online and delivered opening remarks and congratulatory remarks on ‘Youth session’. 

In his remarks, DSG Yan pointed out that, at the just concluded 9th Trilateral Summit in Seoul this Monday, the leaders of the three countries reaffirmed the significance of trilateral cooperation and identified mutually beneficial cooperation projects centered on six key areas. TCS will actively implement the outcomes of the summit and continue to deepen friendly exchanges and comprehensive cooperation in various fields to benefit the three countries and beyond the region. 

International Forum on Regional Cooperation and Development of China, Japan and Korea is an annual event, aiming to promote in-depth research on the stability and cooperation in Northeast Asia. This year, the Forum was held under the theme of “Trilateral economic cooperation among China, Japan, and South Korea based on shared culture, technological innovation, and the global market”, bringing together more than 100 participants offline and 5,000 audience online, including scholars, researchers and students from China, Japan, Korea and ASEAN countries. 

▲DSG YAN delivering his remarks 

▲Opening Ceremony