TC Activities CCEA Influencer Tour 2024 Shizuoka 2024.05.11
On May 11, 2024, the second stop of ‘Culture City of East Asia’ Social Media Influencers Tour 2024 (CCEA Tour 2024) started at Shizuoka, Japan. The 3-days trip invited 5 influencers to explore Shizuoka City, the CCEA 2023. 

The destinations of the CCEA Tour 2024 are Chengdu, China, Shizuoka, Japan, and Gwangju, ROK. Influencers will visit those cities and experience the culture, history, and cuisine of each city to introduce them. The collaboration videos would be uploaded on each influencer’s platform. The Chengdu section was held last April, and the Gwangju Session will be held in June. 

The CCEA Tour aims to promote continuous exchanges among the cities and raise awareness of these cities through collaboration with CJK influencers, even after the year of designation of Culture City of East Asia (CCEA). 

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