Others Secretary-General CHAPAGAIN Jagan of IFRC visited TCS 2024.05.10
On 10 May 2024, Mr. CHAPAGAIN Jagan, Secretary-General of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) paid a visit to Secretary-General LEE Hee-sup of TCS. Ms. DZHUMAEVA Olga, the Head of East Asia Delegation of IFRC and delegation of Korean Red Cross also attended the meeting. 

SG LEE appreciated IFRC for their interest to the TCS and briefly introduced TCS’s role in the field of trilateral cooperation. He also expressed the willingness to further expand cooperation between two organizations to create rigorous partnership for future collaborative projects, such as in field of disaster management. 

MR. CHAPAGAIN appreciated TCS’s willingness for the partnership with IFRC and showed expectations to collaborate more in the future projects with TCS. Showing strong interest in holding program or meeting that also invites CJK governments, experts and CJK Red Cross, he mentioned that IFRC is ready to deeply involve in collaborations with TCS in field of disaster management and youth issues. 

The two sides agreed to strengthen good partnership to explore tangible cooperation opportunities. 


▲Mr. CHAPAGAIN and SG LEE on a meeting 

▲TCS and delegation of IFRC and Korean Red Cross