Mechanisms 13th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting was held in Cairns, Australia
The 13th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ Meeting was held in Cairns, Australia on September 19, 2014 on the occasion of the Group of Twenty (G20) Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting. H.E. Mr. CHOI Kyunghwan, Minister of Strategy and Finance of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Mr. ASO Taro, Minister of Finance of Japan; and H.E. Mr. LOU Jiwei, Minister of Finance of China attended the Meeting and signed a Joint Message, reaffirming the need for trilateral economic and financial cooperation in order to achieve lasting stability and growth in the regional economy as well as the three countries’ economy, and stressing that the Meeting would serve as an effective platform for policy dialogue and coordination.
In the Meeting, the Ministers agreed to play constructive roles in the recovery of global economy, together with other international consultative bodies including the ASEAN+3 and the G20. They also agreed to contribute to the sustained growth of the world economy and risk management through active cooperation among the three countries in the G20 discussion.
The next 14th Meeting will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan in May 2015.

- Joint Message of the 23rd Trilateral Finance Minsters and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 22nd Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 21st Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 20th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 19th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 18th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 17th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 16th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting