Mechanisms 15th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting in Lima, Peru
The 15th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' meeting was held in Lima, Peru, October 8, 2015 with attendance of (Japan) Mr. ASO Taro, Minister of Finance and Mr. KURODA Haruhiko, Governor of Bank of Japan; (China) Mr. LOU Jiwei, Minister of Finance and Mr. YI Gang, Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China; and (ROK) Mr. CHOI Kyung-Hwan, Minister of Strategy and Finance and Mr. LEE Juyeol, Governor of Bank of Korea.

▲Ministers and Central Governors from the three countries at the Meeting
- Joint Message of the 23rd Trilateral Finance Minsters and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 22nd Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 21st Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 20th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 19th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 18th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 17th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting
- Joint Message of the 16th Trilateral Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting