Others TCS Delegation Visited China-Japan-Republic of Korea Cooperation Memorial Tree 2022.09.14
On September 14, 2022, prior to TCS (Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat) Sessions during Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity, TCS delegation, headed by Secretary-General Ambassador OU Boqian, together with Deputy Secretaries-General BEK Bum-hym and SAKATA Natsuko, visited the memorial tree for 3rd Trilateral Summit Meeting in Jeju, the Republic of Korea. 

The 3rd Trilateral Summit Meeting was held in Jeju, May 2010, during which the then leaders of China, Japan and ROK planted a memorial tree and witnessed the “Vision 2020” Time-Capsule Laying Ceremony. A Time-Capsule containing 2020 wish letters was buried by 52 children at the age of 10 from three countries. The Time-Capsule was expected to be re-opened in 2020. 

The “Time-Capsule Children” have now grown up. Although the time-capsule has not been unearthed due to the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, most of their dreams and best wishes on Trilateral Cooperation embedded therein are believed to come into reality. With all efforts from the three countries over the past decade, Trilateral Cooperation has been advanced with abundant yields. 

It has been TCS’ long-standing commitment to promote friendly exchanges among the younger generations of the three countries. A special session dubbed “Youth for Future: Embracing Shared Culture in China-Japan-ROK for a Peaceful Cooperative Northeast Asia” has been held by TCS at Jeju Forum 2022, during which concrete ideas of TCS’ new initiative “Trilateral Youth Exchange Network” were brought to the public. This new branded platform will incorporate and synergize all existing 8 youth exchange projects initiated by TCS, such as “Young Ambassador Program”, “Trilateral Youth Summit”, “Trilateral Rural Young Leaders Exchange Program” and “Trilateral Young Scholars Forum”, aiming at fostering broader space for trilateral youth communication and cooperation as well as providing advisories for job-seeking. Currently the network is in an intense close-beta-test. 

To support trilateral youth exchanges, a cross-departmental team for youth affair is being formulated in TCS, in which program officers from different departments will join and co-operate the youth projects under “Trilateral Youth Exchange Network”. With all efforts for a shared and promising future, TCS is dedicated to promoting the Lasting Peace, Common Prosperity and Shared Culture in the region. 

TCS plans to officially release “Trilateral Youth Exchange Network” later, by then the first plenary meeting will be convened as well. Prior to the meeting, TCS will wage a campaign on the reunion of “Time Capsule Children”. Relevant information could be found on TCS official website and SNS. Please stay tuned with us! 

▲Group Photo of TCS Delegation 

▲Group Photo of TCS Delegation under 3rd Trilateral Summit Meeting Memorial Tree 

▲TCS Delegation in front of the Foundation Stone 

▲The Foundation Stone (front) 

▲The Foundation Stone (rear)