Others TCS Has Published the Research Report ‘China-Japan-Korea Local City Exchange 2022’
The TCS has published the Research Report ‘China-Japan-Korea Local City Exchange 2022’ on June 10, 2022. This report is a unique source of comprehensive information and updates about trilateral local-level exchanges among China, Japan and the ROK. The report introduces 22 sets of city exchange groups, 5 key mechanisms/events and 61 cities involved in the exchanges. It aims to provide relevant stakeholders with updates on the examples, approaches and recent progress of CJK local-level exchange programs. The report is published in Chinese, Japanese, Korean and English and available for download on the TCS official homepage from July 1st.
Meanwhile, the same contents are available through ‘CJK Local City Exchange’ webpage, the official website based on the research outcomes updated in 2022, and is also available in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and English. On the webpage, users can easily search the participating cities and their exchange programs by country, local government, and area of exchange.