Others TCS started the new lecture series of TCS LOUPE
The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) started the new open lecture series of ‘TCS LOUPE’ on October 16, 2014. The lecture was delivered by Professor KANG Myungkoo, the Director of Seoul National University Asia Center on ‘Making of CJK Cultural Contents’.
The lecture by Professor KANG, the renowned expert in Northeast Asian popular culture, featured the situation of the three countries’ culture industries and how they are interconnected to one another through vibrant exchanges. The lecture lasted for two hours with a lively Q & A with the audiences.
TCS LOUPE stands for ‘Lecture on Uncovering Panoramic East Asia’. The first series covers ‘Pop Culture of China, Japan and Korea’ for the first four months from October to December 2014. The second lecture on November 13 will be offered by Ms. YANG Soo Young, the Socio-Cultural Officer of TCS on ‘Reflection of CJK Societies on Dramas: Focus on Boys over Flowers’.

TCS Event
- 15th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Kyoto Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 16th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 14th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Jeonju Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 15th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 13th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Qufu Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 14th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 12th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Kitakyushu Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 13th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum