Seminar & Forum SG YANG Houlan Participated in the 2nd High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on Northeast Asian Peace and Cooperation Initiative (NAPCI)
Secretary-General YANG Houlan of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) participated in the 2nd High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on Northeast Asian Peace and Cooperation Initiative (NAPCI) held on October 28, 2015 at Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul. The Meeting was chaired by Mr. Kim Hong-kyun, Deputy Minister of the ROK Foreign Ministry and participated by representatives from China, Japan, Mongolia, Russia and the U.S.
During the Meeting, ROK MOFA briefed on the achievements in 7 functional areas of NAPCI including nuclear safety, disaster management, health, energy security, environment, cyber space and drug. Representatives of the participating countries delivered remarks expressing their support for NAPCI and commented on its possible ways forward. Dialogue partners also offered suggestions from their own perspectives during the wrap-up session in which Secretary-General YANG Houlan spoke highly of NAPCI in terms of its contributions to creating a favorable environment for further development of the region.
The Chair’s Summary was adopted at the end of the meeting upon consensus by the representatives of all participating countries.