Seminar & Forum Secretary General YANG Houlan attended the 7th Korean-Chinese University Presidents Forum
Secretary-General YANG Houlan of the Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) attended the 7th Korean-Chinese University Presidents Forum held on November 10, 2015 at Hanyang University, Seoul, and delivered the keynote speech.
In his speech, SG YANG expressed his sincere appreciation of the Forum as an important platform to enhance the education exchange and promote the cooperation on education between the ROK and China. Emphasizing the significance of education cooperation among China, Japan and the ROK for the further development of the trilateral cooperation, SG YANG encouraged the Universities to implement the follow-up of the agreements achieved in the 6th Trilateral Summit in terms of education cooperation and youth exchange, and called for the close cooperation on development of human resources and joint research, etc.
Korean-Chinese University Presidents Forum is an annual event started from 2009. This year, the 7th Forum was co-hosted by Hanyang University (ROK) and Jilin University (China), participated by representatives of 36 Universities from the ROK and China. Under the theme of “Opportunities and challenges in higher education between the ROK and China in the era of Globalization”, the participants had an in-depth discussion on “Convergence talent Education”, “University’s Global Strategy” and “MOOCs and education innovation”.

Greeting with presidents of participating universities

Keynote Speech delivered by Secretary-General YANG Houlan of the TCS

Group photo