Others TCS co-hosted the 5th Trilateral Campus Harmony UCC Presentation Contest with the Korea-China Friendship Association (KCFA)
The 5th Trilateral Campus Harmony was held on November 10, 2015 at Yonsei University in Seoul, ROK. It is one of the symbolic trilateral youth event to promote positive trilateral relations through gathering interesting and brilliant ideas of the youths of the three countries reflected on short video clips. The Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat (TCS) and Korea-China Friendship Association (KCFA) co-hosted the event as last year.
At the Opening Ceremony of the Contest, Secretary-General YANG Houlan delivered words of encouragement with the emphasis on the importance of nurturing three countries’ future generations as leaders who can contribute to peace and development of the world as well as the three countries, referring to the Joint Statement of the 6th Trilateral Summit.
During the Contest, 9 teams composed of three students each from the three countries presented UCC (User Created Contents) videos on ‘Building heartfelt bonds among China, Japan and Korea’ and delivered presentation about the UCC making. TCS served as the judges and awarded the TCS Secretary-General Award to the team ‘Three Goblins’ which made UCC on “Influence and Future among the Three Countries Examined through Fairy Tales”.
Contest result of the 5th Trilateral Campus Harmony is as below:
KCFA Chairman Award: Team ‘Choi Yu Sa’
(“Story that Only I Did Not Know”: Commonly Used Chinese Character)
TCS Secretary-General Award: Team ‘Three Goblins’
(“Influence and Future among the Three Countries Examined through Fairy Tales”: CJK Fairy Tale)
Excellence Award: Team ‘Friendly Dumplings’
(“From Interest to Friendship, and to Cooperation”: Cooperation on Environment Protection)

TCS Event
- 15th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Kyoto Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 16th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 14th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Jeonju Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 15th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 13th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Qufu Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 14th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum
- 12th Trilateral Cultural Ministers' Meeting Kitakyushu Declaration_JP
- Joint Statement of the 13th Trilateral Cultural Content Industry Forum